Sometimes you know you can touch the canvas and feel a heartbeat. It could be yours it could be theirs – in truth it doesn’t matter. All that matters is the vibrancy of life.
Origina 14 x 20”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
There is nothing more fluid than the movement of nature and nothing more rewarding than the freedom to express feelings through that movement. Color is used to augment the dynamic and denote the infusion and expulsion of energy. You cannot clearly define the construct, but you can see joy delivered with boundless energy.
Original 14 x 20”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
How do you define love in any other way but to give and promise all for another? One gives shelter, the other gives support both are the shield. There is the unity of color and nobility in the shade of the blue.
Original 14 x 20”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
Here is blossom ready to unfold, with mane-like petals that crown the glory, the essence of its soul. And though the head is bowed it will rise up and fulfil destiny.
Original 14 x 20”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
They band together and travel as one homogenous group. Few of us know the collective noun for horses, but they do, and that is all that matters. Mankind has loved them for generations and so too could we love each other.
Original 14 x 20”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
If gravity is that which helps keep our feet on the ground than how is it that some of us seem to float through life. Perhaps we have lost natures gift to be light and we should learn again from those who use power with grace and seem released from all that could hold them back.
Original 14 x 20”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
Most of us see the sun but for each there is a single vision and so there are many suns shared as one. Each sun is slightly different, but it is in our nature to follow its path from morning rise to evening set. These horses are like us, different In color and shape, each with its own perspective of the sun, all part of one whole, all following one sun.
Original 14 x 20”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
This circle of life is no accident. Here is the heat of breath, the fire of triumph, the glow of conviction and a purity of purpose. The horse senses omnipotence and pursues freedom with a skirt of flames.
Original 14 x 20”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy paper
There is a majesty in all horses that is not easy to capture and a strength that can hardly be matched. When you see a wild horse galloping with a rhythm that you cannot replicate all else fades into obscurity. If you let your heart run with it and close your eyes to all else, you will be able to feel your red blood coursing through your own veins and you will sense how small you really are in Mother Nature’s world.
Original SOLD
With all our advanced technology we still struggle to discern what is coming in our direction. The darkness of foreboding doesn’t just reflect the climate of our times but points to the light we all must seek – and in the meantime we have given all no choice but to weather the storm.
Original 42 x 38”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
No-one can deny that intimacy plays a part in all life at one stage or another. We cannot know what they are sharing, we cannot share what they are knowing. Like two star-crossed lovers they exchange in confidence, and we can only look on and imagine lovers…. and whispers.
Original 42 X 38”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Papers
Sometimes we are only at our best when wild and free and free to be wild. These Iberian beauties have so often been the carriers of men, the emblem of prestige, the bearer of arms. But this is how they were meant to be - running free to the light.
Original 42 x 38”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Papers
Monochrome runs to you with freedom of movement and freedom of spirit. There is a majesty unmatched by any other animal and through its own eyes it sees not only black and white but a world of blue and green – perhaps if we could see as they do the world would be a better place.
Original SOLD
This is an animal of distinction. Strong, vibrant with explosive energy and endless stamina. Renowned for speed the world flashes by in a haze of blue and without form. And still, it can catch your eye and see you clearly. It is everything you wish you could be and know that you never can.
Original 42 x 38”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
Sometimes it is better to be self-effacing. Do not mistake the shadow as submissive but rather respect the hue for what it might be. There is no obligation to seek the light. Sometimes shadows better serve omniscience.
Original 42 X 38”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
No-one can move through this world without disturbing their path. Here is a runner of distinction creating a cloud of darkness and light that shows where they have been and defines where they are going. Purposeful and focussed, the disruption is still minimised because nature always tries to run with grace and once passage has been made all will again settle to ground.
Original 42 X 38”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper
I challenge you to hold their gaze and still not be moved by their action. This is both exhilarating and euphoric. It is intense and yet slow in motion. You will never just see it as a painting because it is an affirmation of life.
Original 42 x 38”
Watercolours & Pigments on Heavy Paper